Tips To Level Up The Live Stream In Singapore

The Executive Group
3 min readSep 5, 2022


Are you ready to go live?

Well, cameras, microphones, and video links aren’t enough. Conducting a live stream in Singapore demands strategies.

Yes, planning the event is the best way to level the live streams.

As an event organizer, you must know what your audience wants. Here you will get a quick summary of live stream planning.

Top Ways To Level Up Live Streaming

1. Less Is More

Keep your setup simple, because less is more. But invest in high-quality equipment because your audience will enjoy the event live. Your camera has more power than a setup.

2. Great Lighting Effects

As you don’t have an in-person audience so you need to win online audience hearts with great visuals. And its demand for good lighting as well as sound effects.

And the most important thing is backup of lighting. Ensure that you never face any problems during live streaming because of low light. It gives a negative impression among guests.

3. Don’t Forget The Dry Run

Well, a day before your final event, try to run a live stream. Preparation will lead you towards success.

Keep a few things in mind, like:

  • Your wifi connectivity should be strong enough.
  • The cameras, microphone, or speakers must be working properly.
  • Review time with your team.
  • Make notes if you remember something in between.

4. Engaging Content

Whether you organize a lavish event or a small event, engagement matters the most. The event can’t be successful until it has engaging content.

Your content must consist of your goals. It should engage a large audience and at the same time entertain them.

5. Choose The Right Platform

So where will you be streaming your event? Make sure that whatever platform you have chosen should be up to the mark. It could be a social media platform, an application, or any other video link.

6. Keep An Eye On Updates

Well, now the most important thing is to update the event industry. Keep an eye on the newly launched tool or other important updates about the event. The new rules or regulations might help you out.

7. Consistency Is Important

Don’t reschedule the time or dates of an event. Professional companies believe in consistency. So, keep in mind that frequent changes in time will create a negative impact on you.

8. Be Unique

Last, but not least, don’t follow the crowd and make your own statement. Whether it’s a product launch or a conference, keep the event unique. Following the other event organizers will mention your name on the list of similar events.

So think out of the box and lead to a successful live stream in Singapore.


Hopefully, you have got the answers to your questions in this guide.

So are you ready to execute a successful live stream? If so, then choose the right help like event organizers and speakers.

All the best for your next event!



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